Elite R3 XBred Cows


Quote: 32
  • Herd BW: 341
  • Herd PW: 348
  • Record Ancestory: 99%

Date Listed: 18 October 2024


• Exceptional, Young XBred Cows

• "Feed System Two"

• Cows with a big future in any herd

• 50 In-calf heifers also available

Herd Details:

  • Total Herd Size: 150

  • Breed: Kiwi Cross

  • Herd BW: 341 Herd PW: 348

  • Record Ancestory: 99%

  • Shed Type: Herringbone

Age Distribution:

  • 2 Year: 140

  • 3 Year: 5

  • 4 Year: 4

  • 5 Year: 5

  • 6 Year: 1

Production Details:

  • Farm Size: 54

  • Cows Milked: 160

  • Production Per Hectare: 1350

  • Herd Tested: 4

  • MS Per Cow: 380

  • Cows Per Hectare: 2.95

Animal Health Details:

  • TB Status: C10

  • Herd Somatic Count: 45,000

  • BVD Tested: Yes

Mating Details:

  • AB Company: LIC

  • Breed of AB Bulls: Friesian

  • AB Start to Finish Dates: 5/10 - 10/11

  • Natural Mating Clean Up: XBred

  • Date In: 11/11/2024

  • Date Out: 24/12/2024

  • Calving Start Date: 15/07/2025

  • Calving Finish Date: 30/09/2025

Sales Conditions

  • Number for Sale: 140

  • Delivery Date: May 2025

  • Price: $2,150